The ‘’Coca-Cola’’ tournament on the march, hot race between schools - FSHF

The ‘’Coca-Cola’’ tournament on the march, hot race between schools

The ‘’Coca-Cola’’ tournament is playing its matches all over Albania according to a well set calendar. Even this year , the Albanian Football Federation and Coca-Cola Bottling Albania have started this event that includes the pupils of schools of different cities of Albania. This tournament includes the pupils of elementary schools from 12-15 years old. As always this activity which has already started is held during the period March-April , with the assistance of the Albanian Football Association. The matches are played in cities such as : Tirana, Durres, Elbasan, Shkoder, Fier and Korca , where the youngsters will play from 52 schools will play 66 planned matches. The AFA remains the main supporter for this football event and for the children, in full coordination with the national regional offices. Below are the results of the second week of the matches of the ‘’Coca-Cola’’ tournament.

Tirana/  Second week of ‘’Coca-Cola’’ tournament / Results:

1. School of  Ndroq-  Dora Distria 3-1

2. Kong. Manastirit-  Emin Duraku 1-3

3. 4 Deshmoret -Naim Frasheri 1-3

FIER/ Second week ‘’Coca-Cola’’ cup

 “N.Frasheri” school -.”L.Gero”  school   1-1

“P.Pirro” school – “M.Dashi”  school    2-2

KORÇE/ Second week ‘’Coca-Cola tournament / Results :

— Group A Man

Ismail Qemali – Mesonjetorja  I 0-1

Sotir Gurra – Nuçi Naçi 6-0

— Group B Man

Sevasti Qiriazi – Naum veqilarxhi 7-0

Stavri Themeli – Pandeli Cale 1-0


Omiros – Sevasti Qiriazi 3-1

Mesonjetorja I – Asdreni 0-4

Stavri Themeli – Sotir Gura 0-3

ELBASAN/ Second week ‘’Coca-Cola’’ tournament /Results :

Man / Group A



Man / Group B

 J.DILO – B.POPA 1-1(5-3)