Referee academy, registration flux from students of the University ‘’Fan Noli’’ of Korca. - FSHF

Referee academy, registration flux from students of the University ‘’Fan Noli’’ of Korca.

The latest initiative of AFA for a refereeing school in Albania was presented this Thursday in the ‘’Fan Noli’’ University of Korca, under the auspices and commitment of the staff of AFA and the Dean Gjergji Mero ,  the promotion was successful among the students of this university.

During the presentation of the project from the main coordinator Sokol Jareci , the students filled the forms , even asking details regarding the Academy which will open in October.

The area of Korca has high expectancies regarding the women referee’s , and this fact was noted by the Dean and Rector of the University , who have encouraged the students to embrace such projects. During the today’s presentation 40 applications where handed in this Academy , on the other side the online registration in the official page of AFA has passed its expectations during the first phase of this promotion.

Meanwhile , the core that will constitute the Academy is being processed in the office of referees in AFA, in order to be ready in October , for all the youth that have applied to be part of this initiative.  After the city of Korca, the tour will continue with the ‘’Ismail Qemali’’ University in Vlora, next week.